Our Work
The UK's departure from the EU, net zero carbon targets and the 2018 Environment Act have combined to transform our approach to nature and habitat creation. The opportunity now exists to develop and deliver new conservation projects that can both enhance biodiversity, capture and store CO2 and reduce nutrients.
BioCap is working with partners to create a regional, trusted and well-managed marketplace for Natural Capital. This marketplace will ensure that Biodiversity Gain, carbon and nutrient offsetting and other Natural Solutions are managed to enhance the environment of, initially, West Berkshire and then beyond.
BioCap’s mission is to ensure that landowners have the opportunity to create new wildlife habitats across West Berkshire and that this work is supported by the planning system and those seeking to purchase Natural Capital.
We have set up a regional Natural Solutions Partnership which includes all the major stakeholders; West Berkshire Council, Landowners, BBOWT, TVERC, TOE, Natural England, Wessex Downs AONB, ARK. The partnership is working on pilot projects to define the processes and mechanisms needed to meet the requirements of the Environment Act and is compliant with other relevant legislation.
Working alongside local strategies like the Local Nature Recovery Strategy will help guide what to do where across the farmed countryside, providing a landscape-level series of locations and habitats where nature-based solutions can be delivered.
How we started
BioCap was set up in 2020 to provide an action orientated, fully scalable response to the issues of biodiversity loss and climate change. The UK Government’s Climate Change Committee and Natural Capital Committees both recognise that Nature-Based Solutions (such as tree planting, enhancing biodiversity, rewilding, etc.) have a significant part to play in our individual and collective responses to these urgent global issues.
BioCap started out to provide a data driven map of what to do where across the farmed countryside, providing a landscape-level series of locations and habitats where nature-based solutions can be delivered. We were part of the Ordnance Surveys Geovation Accelerator Programme and put together a draft “Opportunity Map” from publicly available GIS and other mapping data. This work has since been taken on by the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
The emphasis of our work has now changed in response to the Biodiversity Net Gain scheme and now focuses on the development of habitat creation projects and the establishment of a regional marketplace, channelling funds into these projects.
Founder and Director
Ed Cooper
Ed started BioCap wanting to provide a robust locally relevant approach to the management of our Natural Environment and mitigation of Biodiversity decline and climate change.
Having previously worked on various local projects including the Pang and Kennet Valley Countryside projects and restoring Greenham airbase, Ed is passionate and knowledgable enough to want to make a real difference through the use of nature at a landscape scale.
Project Manager
Dave Valler
Dave joined BioCap in February 2023 after working for Hampshire County Council as a ranger.
He re-trained in Countryside Management in 2018 and has spent the last four years as a ranger doing practical habitat management and tree safety projects across 400ha of nature reserves and SSSI commons in north Hampshire.
Communications Manager
Adam Albin
Adam has been volunteering with BioCap since 2020 to create and manage our website and social media channels. He is currently studying Biodiversiy Conservation MSc.
Our Partners
BioCap initiated and set up the West Berkshire Natural Solutions Delivery Partnership comprising :
BioCap Limited – charity with mapping work underway, landowner contacts and technology development/partnerships
BBOWT – Wildlife Trust owner of reserves, SLA for management of some Council land, Ecological expertise and role in the planning process and Nature Recovery Network
Wessex Downs AONB – Planning and AONB remit, Farm cluster development
Natural England - Gov Agency
Action for the River Kennet (ARK) – Practical tasks and work along the river corridors
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) – Ecological Survey and baseline records, GIS mapping expertise
Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) – Proven distribution of biodiversity net gain offset funds, Carbon offset experience, environmental fund management experience
West Berkshire Council – Delivery of West Berkshire Councils Environment Strategy, landowner, budget, coordinating role, Parish Council contacts
Others may be invited on as required for specific purposes but will not be part of any decision-making process.